Please click link to download the order form:Gene Synthesis order form
Email completed order form to info@nbsbio.co.uk as an attachment with your inquiry.3
We will get back to you with a quote, or any additional questions.Order will only be placed upon your review and confirmation of the quote.
Typically for each gene we need the following info:
1. Sequence (in .txt/FASTA format).
2. Desired Restriction Sites (if required; standard is blunt-end cloning).
3. Vector of Choice/Subcloning (default vector is pUC57-Amp).
4. Do you require sequence optimization? (FREE service).
2. Desired Restriction Sites (if required; standard is blunt-end cloning).
3. Vector of Choice/Subcloning (default vector is pUC57-Amp).
4. Do you require sequence optimization? (FREE service).