This is our new and improved formulation of SafeView, launched September 2023. This formulation is compatible with in-gel and post-staining, and also benefits from simplified usage and storage requirements
We will continue to offer the previous formulation until the end of 2025, however it is now listed under the catalogue number NBS-SV1-C
SafeView is a safe, improved formulation of nucleic acid stain for agarose gel electrophoresis. SafeView directly replaces toxic Ethidium Bromide and eliminates its associated contamination risks with glassware, gel apparatus and environment.
•Easy to Use: Provided as a 10,000X stock and compatible with both blue light (optimal) and UV light (weaker)
•Safe: Non-carcinogenic
•Sensitive: Detect as little as 1-2 ng of DNA per gel band
•Stable: Store at room temperature (18-25degC)
•Superior: Compatible with downstream applications such as cloning and sequencing
LED Viewer Compatibility = Yes
Application = Safe Detection of dsDNA, ssDNA and RNA in agarose gels.
Concentration = 10,000X
Format General = Pre-cast or Post-stain
Storage Condition = Store at RT (18-25degC)
Q; Is SafeView a full replacement for ethidium bromide? Can I do gel extraction/cloning with it?
A; Yes, SafeView can be used as a complete replacement for your ethidium bromide workflow. SafeView can be used during gel extraction – our testing demonstrated that gel extraction of DNA fragments using a SafeView gel resulted in no decrease in ligation efficiency vs ethidium bromide. We have not observed any decrease in cloning efficiency using SafeView
Q; Can SafeView differentiate double stranded vs single stranded nucleic acids?
A; No, SafeView will bind to both double-stranded and single-stranded nucleic acids, albeit with lesser efficiency for single-stranded nucleic acid species
Q; Do I need a special filter for photography of DNA gels stained with SafeView?
A; SafeView is compatible with UV or Blue Light imagers, it is however optimally visualised under Blue Light, making SafeView safer for the user and their samples. Any imaging system with UV, Blue light and/or LED should work
Q; How Sensitive is SafeView?
A; SafeView can detect as little as 1-2 ng of DNA per gel band
Q; Why is the EtBr signal stronger in the pictures when I compare SafeView with EtBr?
A; Most gel imaging systems have been optimised for EtBr so this is a likely reason why the EtBr signal may be stronger in the pictures
Q; How long does SafeView stain last in a gel?
A; Our testing has shown that SafeView stained gels (>10ng DNA loaded per lane) can still be effectively visualised up to 1 week later with only a slight decrease in brightness. Gels should be stored properly to maintain a good signal, sealed in a plastic bag with wet paper towel loosely wrapped around the gel, away from light. Similarly, a pre-cast unused SafeView gel can be stored and used up to 1 week after being prepared provided they are stored in ideal conditions (sealed in plastic bag, away from light). If stored longer than a week, there will be decreased resolution
Q; What is the shelf life of SafeView?
A; SafeView can be kept for 2 years at RT (18-25degC)
Q; Can SafeView products be refrigerated or frozen?
A; SafeView should only be stored at room temperature. If accidentally refrigerated, it should still be fine short term (up to 2 weeks). SafeView cannot be frozen
Q; Can I use SafeView products in polyacrylamide gels?
A; SafeView is designed for use with agarose gels, and is not optimised for polyacrylamide gels
Q; Will staining appear the same when using UV light and LED (same colours)?
A; UV and LED will give the same colours
Q; How should I dispose of SafeView?
A; Dispose of SafeView as you would any other non-carcinogenic fluorescent dye (eg. Acridine orange; Propidium iodide). Gels and contaminated “non-sharp” waste (e.g., gloves, pads, towels, tubes, etc.) that are processed using this dye can be discarded in normal waste. Spent running buffer solutions, and destaining solutions containing the dye, should be disposed of according to local regulations